Blessings from Matthew 5:3-10 – Messages of the Soft-heart by the Mountainside, from the Author of the Soft-heart
Verse | Blessing Character | Soft-heart Desire 柔軟心的心願 | Fruit of the Spirit | Message Video |
3 | Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven 虛 心 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 天 國 是 他 們 的 | To Learn 學習 | Joy, Peace | March 28 |
4 | Blessed those who mourn, for they will be comforted 哀 慟 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 得 安 慰 | To Reconcile 和好 | Joy, Peace, Goodness | March 28 |
5 | Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth 溫 柔 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 承 受 地 土 | Be Respectful 尊重 | Patience, Gentleness, Self Control | April 11 |
6 | Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled 飢 渴 慕 義 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 得 飽 足 | To Please the Father 討天父的喜悅 | Goodness, Faithfulness | April 18 |
7 | Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy 憐 恤 人 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 蒙 憐 恤 | Generosity 慷慨 | Kindness, Self Control | April 25 |
8 | Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God 清 心 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 得 見 神 | Authenticity 真實 | Goodness, Faithfulness | May 16 |
9 | Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God 使 人 和 睦 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 他 們 必 稱 為 神 的 兒 子 | To Collaborate 合作 | Peace, Patience, Self Control | May 23 May 30 |
10 | Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven 為 義 受 逼 迫 的 人 有 福 了 ! 因 為 天 國 是 他 們 的 | To be God’s Witness 做神的見證人 | Joy, Patience, Faithfulness | June 13 |
Soft-heart by the Mountainside – Detailed Mapping
Verse | Blessing Character | Soft-heart Desire | Fruit of the Spirit | Kingdom Encounter | World’s Pattern | Storm to Build Faith | How to Overcome | Scripture References |
3 | Poor in Spirit 虛 心 的 人 | To Learn 學習 | Joy, Peace | Our shortcoming being pointed out | Authoritative, self-reliant, diminish others | Take away our reliance | Submission over Subdue | Eph 5:21 1 Tim 6:17-19 Matt 15:21-28 |
4 | Mourn 哀 慟 的 人 | To Reconcile 和好 | Joy, Peace, Goodness | Others show us offenses against them | Defend, deny responsibility | Taste the fruits of our sins | Repentance over Rationalization | Gen 3:1-13 2 Sam 12:1-25 Jonah 1 |
5 | Meek 溫 柔 的 人 | Be Respectful 尊重 | Patience, Gentleness, Self Control | Others resisting reason and truth | Cutting arguments, threats and intimidation | Anxiety, no satisfaction from our laboring | Wisdom over Reason | 2 Tim 2:22-26 Prov 1:20-33 |
6 | Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness 飢 渴 慕 義 的 人 | To Please the Father 討天父的喜悅 | Goodness, Faithfulness | Offer “Vitamin A” without “Vitamin D” | Not lose the opportunity | Experience “lose our soul” in “Vitamin A” | Nutrition over Taste | Gen 3:6 Matt 16:13-28 Matt 4:1-11 Matt 6:33 |
7 | Merciful 憐 恤 人 的 人 | Generosity 慷慨 | Kindness, Self Control | Feel like being taken advantage of | Contend for resources, protect territory | Getting swallowed by a fish | Giving over Receiving | 2 Cor 9:6-1 Acts 20:35 Mal 3:6-12 Jonah 1 |
8 | Pure in Heart 清 心 的 人 | Authenticity 真實 | Goodness, Faithfulness | Benefit offered through short-cut | End justifies the means | Taste the cost of expediency | Sincerity over Expediency | 1 Sam 24:1-22 Acts 4:32-5:11 |
9 | Peacemaker 使 人 和 睦 的 人 | To Collaborate 合作 | Peace, Patience, Self Control | Work with others who offend us | Avoid resolving offenses | Diminished authority, fruitfulness, and satisfaction in our labor | Patience over Justification | Gen 1:26-27 Eph 4:11-16 Matt 7:3-5 Matt 18:15-20 |
10 | Persecuted for Righteousness 為 義 受 逼 迫 的 人 | To be God’s Witness 做神的見證人 | Joy, Patience, Faithfulness | Walk with others in their “road of the cross” | Reject Vitamin D, reject those in Vitamin D | God reveals the blindness of our hearts | Recognition over Rejection | Matt 16:16-28 Matt 26:69-75 Luke 23:26 Matt 27:3-5 |