MTC 2017 – Fellowship that Connects eartHEaven

Before we bestow our friendly reminder to register for MTC 2017, we would like to highlight a few exciting changes to this year’s program schedule.

First, the event flow has been relaxed to accommodate for more personal fellowship for building the family relationships of our body.  As the schedule shows, we’ve designated our meal times “fellowships” & “connections” as a reminder of how Jesus took the time to break bread with His core team and bounded their hearts together.  We hope that the generous time blocks will enable you to do the same by dining with family, friends, speakers, ministers, or people you have just met.  In as such, a “Family Time” has also been newly designated on Thursday to encourage you to plan a MTC family time together.  You can rest and relax at the awesome Marriott, tour the city, dine together (reservations recommended), visit with and bless others you haven’t seen in awhile, or even hold your own breakout session.  Change up your Thanksgiving tradition by making it a part of MTC, and taste God’s goodness flowing from this gathering of His heart.

Second, because we have been blessed this year with a strong group of brothers and sisters dedicated to personal prayer ministry, we have incorporated ample prayer ministry time into the schedule for every morning and afternoon.  If you or someone you know would like to receive prayer ministry, we encourage you to sign up for an appointment time by replying to this email.  You can also sign up during the conference, but appointment times would be subject to availability.

OK, finally, for the registration reminder – we have an eartHEaven gift that we really like to give you (and we think you would be happy to receive) if you register before the registration time stamp changes to November 9th.  Please register before midnight tonight!!

May the MTC gathering bless you in the connection of eartHEaven – Matthew 6:10,

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