MTC 2015 – eartHEaven – Test of Faithfulness

For the past twenty-one years, God has given us MTC as one of His vehicles to prepare Christ’s Bride, to prepare Her as a steward who can be entrusted with authority that influences the world’s governments and economies.  The Church must expect to exercise such authority if we are called to make disciples of nations.  And our ability to succeed in that great commission rests on our ability to successfully steward our authority.
Stewardship is built upon obedience and humility.  God has used MTC to impart to us those disciplines – by testing our perseverance and putting our passion, that is often mixed with ambition, to the refining fire.  God has not led us to build MTC into a mega conference with all the exciting incentives to draw large crowds.  But year after year, one generation after another, He asks us the same questions, “Are you faithful to my call?  Do you serve my Bride with unselfishness and humility?  Can I entrust you with greater authority?”
God has blessed MTC with excellent programs and powerful experiences of praise worship.  But the undercurrent for all of these is His intent to prepare Christ’s Bride as a faithful steward of authority.  So we invite you to take hold of the opportunity that God has prepared, and come drink together from this 21 year wellspring that has weathered the test of time and generational connection.
For a groom, no one else is more important to him than the bride and their preparation for marriage.  For Jesus, nothing is more important to Him in all creation than His Bride and her preparation.  Our hearts burn for a Bride who is pure and without blemish.

MTC 2014: Pressing Forth for 20 Years – On Earth as it is in Heaven

We would like to invite you to the 20th annual Midwest Thanksgiving Conference (MTC) – “On Earth as it is in Heaven”.  This Chicago-based event will be held during November 26th – November 30th at the Oak Brook Marriott.

Pastor Joseph Tai established MTC 20 years ago in response to God’s call to raise up ministers of the market place – people whom God will entrust with authority and influence to witness to the “end of the earth”.

Just as “20” is the qualification age for an Israelite to go into battle, we expect God to impart a fresh recognition and promotion to this assignment that we have stewarded for the past 20 years.  We invite you to join us for this unique time of fellowship with other like-minded Kingdom soldiers to hear God’s voice on what “the Father is doing” to equip the Church – as powerful witnesses in the “hotspots” of people’s livelihood – our families, our work place, our financial & economic systems.

As in the past years, our hearts are always burning with expectancy and God always delivered beyond our expectation.  Please come and share this divinely appointed moment with us.

Please follow these links for:

Theme Narrative – “On Earth as it is in Heaven”
Speaker Team
Program Schedule
Hotel Reservation – $63 USD/Night Special Rate

Please forward this note to your friends and fellowship groups.  We look forward to serving you.