October 17, 2021
Pastor Li-Shang’s message today is “I am the Resurrection & the Life” from John 11:1-44. The passage portrays a powerful value system of Jesus’ heart – that His life can only be found in resurrection, and that resurrection must journey through death – to our flesh, our rights, our ambition, our power, our assurance, our insurance, our possessions, even our expectations of being serviced by God, or the church.
It is natural to seek after churches that offer organized programming, enjoyable fellowship, and inspiring leadership – and see these “service benefits” as criteria for spiritual food. God’s way will always take us through death and resurrection, and through the pandemic, He is calling us to die to our way of measuring spiritual food. The most potent spiritual foods often do not lie in the “service benefits” we seek after, but is in the struggle of dying to ourselves when the church’s “service benefits” do not meet our expectations. That’s the food that will lead to a resurrected life.
God has been giving this food to us for many years, and we are encouraged in coming to understand His heart in this difficult process. Stand strong in the Lord’s grace and find joy in dying to ourselves – through forgiveness, through tithing, through faithfulness, through anticipating that resurrection is at hand and has already started its process among us.
CASC now has a Zelle account that you can use for tithing. Please use the following email for fund transfer: tithing@cascchurch.org
Feel free to also use this Zelle QR Code with your bank’s app.
All this info, plus other ways to transfer funds, are always available at our tithing page. May our church be a testimony of the blessings of Malachi 3.
If you cannot attend in person, the online stream will be available at around 10:45 AM, Central Time
Stream link: https://youtu.be/WbKvj6GaUNo
Experience Emmanuel!