Dear Church Family,
You are invited to join with our church family, in person, for worship and the offering up of our living sacrifices. For online access, please follow the below link to the YouTube video stream at around 10:45 AM Central Time (11:45 PM Asia).
Words from just this past week’s headlines – ransomware, gas shortage, oxygen shortage, chip shortage, car shortage, inflation, variant of concern, border crisis, rocket attacks – speak of a world thirsting and hungering for “shalom.” God continues to set the stage for the church to be His witness through the increasing storms and shakings. This is the reason for our intense focus on the Shalom 2021 roadmap. This is the reason we strive to prepare Christ followers for Kingdom encounters so they can steward the “authority of shalom.” This is the reason we pursue the discipline of the soft-heart. This is the reason we prioritized the past many weeks studying the 8 Heart Desires of a soft-heart that Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 5:3-10:
- Submission over subdue – to learn 順服勝於制服 – 學習
- Repentance over rationalization – to reconcile 悔改勝過講理 – 和好
- Wisdom over reason – be respectful 智慧勝於解釋 – 尊重
- Nutrition over taste – to please the Father 營養勝過滋味 – 討天父的喜悅
- Giving over receiving – generosity 施勝於受 – 慷慨
- Sincerity over expediency – authenticity 誠心誠意甚於權宜之計 – 真實
- Patience over justification – to collaborate 忍耐重於說理 – 合作
- Recognition over rejection – to be God’s witness 識別勝過拒絕- 做神的見證人
Today, we will share from Jesus’ proclamation of the pure heart (Matthew 5:8) – on the heart desire of “authenticity.” Jesus is purifying His bride, and lifting her up as a glorious testimony with the authority of shalom. Let’s join together in His calling.
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Experience Emmanuel!