If you saw our earlier Sunday service stream, you may have noticed that the father and son led worship not only in the light of LOVE, but also in the natural light of the sun.
About 15 minutes before we were to start the worship service, the power in the church tripped up in a funny way – some lights turned on and some off. We had internet, but no stage sound our lights, and the fire safety alarm blared to warn us that its pumps were starving for power. This was confusing because all the circuit breakers were in their normal positions, but many equipment they connect to do not work.
Just as we thought that this will be an expensive Sunday morning electrician call, Brother John Lee walks over. Because John works for a company that installs electrical systems in buildings, Pastor Li-Shang asked him if he knew anyone who can help us in this bind. Immediately, John got hold of his professional electrician buddy who helped us to diagnose the problem over the phone. Based on our description, he was able to determine that this was a partial outage problem that came from the outside of the WPC building. We do not need to call an expensive electrician. We should just call ComEd, the power service provider.
ComEd came right away and determined that an underground connection has malfunctioned and needs replacement. Amazingly, through all of this, our team was still able to get the internet, sound equipment, computer, camera, and even the “LOVE” light to work together to provide live streaming. Our team worked relentlessly to make sure that our brothers and sisters can all join as one body in worship.
Later in the afternoon, ComEd came with some serious equipment and crew to provide WPC temporary power for stabilizing the fire safety system, and then excavated the area to install a new connection to power.
God is good, all the time – and through this time of confusion and anxiety, He upgraded WPC with a new connection to power.
God is with us. Experience Emmanuel!
God picked a most beautiful day to upgrade WPC’s power connection with some serious equipment.
Massive generator sustaining the entire WPC while it gets its new connection.
I’ve always wondered what’s inside this box…powerful, but simple.
Pinpointing the trouble spot was exact, and the digging was fast and efficient.
It’s like angels watching over our power connections.
June 6, 2021
Dear Church Family,
We invite you to join with us for a time of corporate worship and fellowship, beginning at 11 AM Central Time. If you cannot attend in person, the online option on YouTube video stream will be available at around 10:45 AM, Central Time (11:45 PM Asia, 9:15 PM India).
Stream link: https://youtu.be/jHeBsqRk18U
We plan to wrap up our “Soft-heart by the Mountainside” series this Sunday with the message from Matthew 5:10 – on the heart desire “to be God’s witness.”
The development and delivery of this message series has been a great challenge for me because I constantly find myself falling short of the soft-heart that I preach about. At the same time, this process has taken me through a most significant spiritual growth spurt that I have ever experienced. I am greatly encouraged by the roadmap that the Holy Spirit has shown us for experiencing “shalom” in 2021. God is truly with us and will continue to show us the way.
This page may bring you some enlightenment on this topic of the soft-heart. I’d be glad to your insights.
We pray that God will open the ears of His children so that they might hear..
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Experience Emmanuel!
Stand with Pastor David Wan and Family in Prayer for Healing
Stand with Robin William and Family in Prayer for India